
Bénédicte Linard

Bénédicte Linard

Ministre - Cabinet de Bénédicte LINARD Vice-Présidente et Ministre-de l’Enfance, de la Santé, de la Culture, des Médias et des Droits des Femmes

Bénédicte Linard est une ministre écologiste belge. Elle occupe la fonction de Vice-Présidente du Gouvernement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et de ministre de l’Enfance, de la Culture, des Médias et des Droits des femmes. Membre de mouvements de jeunesse dès le plus jeune âge, vice-présidente de la Fédération des Étudiants francophones, l’engagement social a toujours fait partie de sa vie. Après des études de philologie romane, elle part à Montréal travailler dans la production de films. A son retour en Belgique, elle devient professeur de français et s’investit en politique. Son parcours politique: députée au Parlement de Wallonie et de la FWB (2013), échevine des Finances et de la cohésion sociale (2014-2019), vice-présidente et ministre de l'Enfance, de la Culture, des Médias et des Droits des Femmes de la FWB (depuis septembre 2019). Son engagement: la volonté d’améliorer le quotidien d’un maximum de personnes, entre autres grâce à la force du collectif.

Elena Cuallado

Elena Cuallado

Head of section - Ministry of Culture

Elena Cuallado was born in Madrid. She holds a B.A. in History from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a Master's degree in International Relations from the IBEI- University Pompeu Fabra. She became a civil servant in 2019, and started working as a curator at Filmoteca Española. In 2022, she accepted a role at the Ministry of Culture, where she ran the Ministry traineeship programme involved in allocating and training opportunities to budding Spanish curators, librarians, archivist and artists. Recently, she has started working at the Division of Cultural Rights, responsible for the development of the Spanish Artists Statute.

Anita Debaere

Anita Debaere

Director - Pearle*-Live Performance Europe

Anita Debaere is Director of Pearle*-Live Performance Europe. This pan-European federation counts, through its member associations, more than 10 000 organisations in the live performance ecosystem. Pearle* is also recognised as European employers association, taking part in European sectoral social dialogue. Anita Debaere holds a master in Political and Social sciences and Communication Science from the University of Ghent (BE). She also holds a post-degree in Arts Management from the City University of London. Anita Debaere worked in the music sector and for an energy company, before joining Pearle*. Anita Debaere sits in different steering committees of European projects, she is regularly invited to give expert views on sectoral questions at conferences, stakeholder meetings, in research and studies.

Denis Genton

Denis Genton

director - european commission

Mr. Denis Genton joined DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) in 2013. Today, he is the Director of the Directorate “European Pillar of Social Rights, Strategy”. This directorate is responsible for the management of DG EMPL public affairs and relations as well as resources, including IT. Previously in DG EMPL, he was the Head of the Free movement network Unit. He was also part of the team negotiating the establishment of the European Labour Authority. Previously in the Commission, he was a Member of the Cabinet of Mr Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. From 2004 to 2009, he was a Member of the Cabinet of Mr. Šemeta and Ms. Grybauskaité, EU Commissioners for Budget and Financial Programming. He earned his degrees in Political Science at the University of Strasbourg and at the College of Europe in Bruges, and his degree in European Law in Nancy. Mr Genton speaks French, English, German and Italian.

Bruno Goosse

Bruno Goosse

Administrateur - laFAP

Bruno Goosse est artiste, membre fondateur de laFAP (Fédération des Arts Plastiques) et enseignant. Son travail artistique se présente comme une pratique de recherche en sciences humaines dans la mouvance de l’artiste enquêteur, pratique assumée en amateur. Ses travaux sont rendus publics sous forme d’expositions, de livres et de conférences. Expositions : 2023 :ISELP, Brux. , 2023 ; Espace Intermédiaire, Brux. , 2023 ; Titanikas, Vilnius, 2021 ; été78, Brux. , 2021 ; galerie Kogo, Tartu, 2020; Occurrence, Montréal, 2020 ; espace 36, Saint-Omer, 2019 ; BPS22, 2017. Publications : « classement diagonal / diagonal listing », Editions La lettre volée, Bruxelles, 2018 ; « Around Exit », Editions La Part de l’Oeil, Bruxelles, 2014 www.brunogoosse.be

Georg Haeusler

Georg Haeusler

Director - European Commission

Georg HÄUSLER is currently the Director for Culture, Creativity and Sport in the European Commission (DG EAC). Prior to that, he was Director in another Commission department for seven years. He joined the Commission in 1999 and has had several senior posts including as Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Dacian Ciolos, from 2009 to 2014. Before he began his Commission career, he was Secretary General of an EU-wide NGO. He studied law (PhD in 1993). He is 55 years old and married, with one son.

Dubravka Jurišić

Dubravka Jurišić

Project Manager, Creative FLIP - Goethe-Institut

Dubravka Jurišić is Project Manager at the Goethe-Institut Brussels in charge of the EU co-funded project Creative FLIP. Since 2019, she has been coordinating the FLIP partnership in their joint work on improving the ecosystem for cultural and creative sectors in the areas of finance, working conditions, intellectual property rights, skills, innovation and transformation processes, including the flagship Creatives Unite platform. Prior to this, Dubravka coordinated Voices of Culture – the Structured Dialogue between the European Commission and the Cultural and Creative Sectors. Her academic background is in Political Science and International Relations and she has over 15 years of experience in project and event management, including moderation of high-level international conferences and workshops.

Toine Manders

Toine Manders

Member of the European Parliament - European Parliament

Toine Manders was born on March 14th 1956 in Brabant, the Netherlands. He completed the Academy of Arts in Tilburg. Following his studies, he worked as an industrial designer and lecturer in visual arts. After a serious motorbike accident, he studied law at the University of Maastricht and the University of Nijmegen. After that, he became an attorney at law specialised in personal injury and intellectual property rights. Manders became a member of the City Council of Asten in 1994 and in 1995 a member of the Provincial Council for the VVD (Dutch liberal party). In 1999 he was elected with preference votes as Member of the European Parliament until 2014. In the Parliament, he was coordinator for the European Liberals (ALDE group) in the Internal Market committee. In 2019, he was elected again in the European Parliament for the party 50PLUS and since September 2020 he represents the interests of the elderly within the party of the CDA.

Heidemarie Meissnitzer

Heidemarie Meissnitzer

Counsellor Culture, Arts, Audiovisual - Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU

Heidi Meissnitzer, Counsellor for culture and media policy in the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU in Brussels. Head of Unit from 2009 to 2014 for the Federal Ministry for Education, Culture and the Arts. Chair of Cultural Affairs Committee in the EU Council for 2 Austrian Presidencies (1998, 2018); specialised in cultural management and cultural policy with focus on cross-border and cross-sectorial cooperation and programs for the cultural and creative sectors and industries at national and EU level and with many years of experience in public sector management. Chair of the EU OMC expert group on gender equality for CCs 2019-2021 and Co-Chair of EU OMC expert group on status of artists and working conditions for artists and cultural and creative professionals form September 2021 until June 2023. Austrian representative in the EU OMC experts’ group on international cultural relations since September 2023.

Perrine Nisol

Perrine Nisol

Coordinatrice service Commissions & Conseils de la DG expertise juridique - SPF sécurité sociale

En charge de l'implémentation de la réforme du travail des arts au sein du SPF sécurité sociale, j'ai suivi la rédaction des textes juridiques, le développement de la nouvelle plateforme IT (WITA pro) et tout le processus de mise en place de la nouvelle Commission du travail des arts au SPF sécurité sociale, Je suis également l'auteure d'un article sur la réforme publié dans la revue Orientations en janvier 2024: Les travailleurs des arts et la sécurité sociale : mise en œuvre de la réforme.

Elsa Poisot

Elsa Poisot

Directrice artistique - Ecarlate la Cie

Formée à l’ESACT, Elsa Poisot est comédienne, autrice et metteuse en scène. Elle dirige Ecarlate la Compagnie. En 2016 elle commence l’écriture et monte son Kinky Birds . Le texte reçoit le prix des metteurs en scène du CED-WB et est sélectionné pour le prix Sony Labou Tansy . Elle lance en collaboration avec Line Guellati le projet Autrices, un festival de lectures et rencontres littéraires nomades autour d’autrices afropéennes qui se développera jusqu’en 2023 et sera accueilli par plusieurs grandes institutions. En 2018, elle développe La Deuxième Scène, un projet multiforme (conférences, lectures, études universitaires, spectacles,…) sur la présence des femmes dans le spectacle vivant. Elle développe également avec le Fame Festival un projet multiforme (capsule radiophonique, exposition, conférences et production théâtrale) autour de la visibilité des femmes artistes en FWB. Parallèlement elle continue à jouer et écrire et mettre en scène.

Elena Polivtseva

Elena Polivtseva

Independent researcher -

Elena works as an Independent Research Consultant. Prior to this she was a Senior Researcher at IFACCA (International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies) and Head of Policy and Research and Communication and Policy Manager at the International network for contemporary performing arts (IETM), where she developed and implemented the organisation’s advocacy strategies and research programmes and wrote and edited several publications. Elena was one of the co-initiators and a project manager of Perform Europe and, from 2016 to 2019, she was engaged in advocacy activities of the European Alliance for Culture and the Arts, an initiative of 37 European networks advocating for culture at EU level. Elena was also Board Member at Culture Action Europe and worked as an Independent Consultant at UNESCO. She holds a Diploma in EU non-profit advocacy and negotiation and a Master’s degree in European Studies and International Relations.

Domènec Ruiz Devesa

Domènec Ruiz Devesa

Member of the European Parliament - European Parliament

Domènec Ruiz Devesa has been an advisor to the Minister of the Presidency (2011), an advisor to the Spanish Socialist Delegation in the European Parliament (2014-2018) and deputy head for Political and Parliamentary Affairs in the cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. In 2019. He was elected Member of the European Parliament, where he is the spokesperson for the Constitutional Affairs Committee for the Socialists and Democrats group and a member of the Culture and Education Committee. He also holds the Presidency of the Union of European Federalist and is a member of the Executive Board of the Spanish Federal Council of the European Movement.

Pien van Gemert

Pien van Gemert

Programmamanager implementatie fair practice code - Kunsten '92

Pien van Gemert is program leader of learning and innovation programs and coach in the arts sector. She works for Kunsten ’92 as program leader of the Fair Practice Code and KUNSTEN2030, an exploration into a sustainable and robust cultural and creative sector. Pien van Gemert is specificically interested in collaboration within creative work processes and in integrating audience objectives within an artistically driven organization. She specializes in the Deep Democracy method, has extensive experience as a trainer and intervision supervisor and works as an external confidential counselor at several theater organizations.

Jeanne Brunfaut

Jeanne Brunfaut

- Administration Générale de la Culture

Depuis 2012, Jeanne Brunfaut occupe le poste de Directrice générale adjointe du Service Général de l’Audiovisuel et des Médias et dirige le Centre du Cinéma et de l’audiovisuel de la FWB. Son travail a été marqué par des réalisations significatives telles que la réforme des systèmes d’aides à la production et à la promotion du cinéma belge francophone, ainsi que la conclusion d’accords de coproduction internationaux. Elle est également directrice administrative de l’EFAD et assume actuellement le rôle d'administratrice générale de la culture.

Marc Brion

Marc Brion

Expert / Advisor Arts & Culture at the Belgian Federal Government - Belgian Federal Government, Working in the arts

Marc Brion, an expert in arts and culture, currently serves as an advisor at the Belgian Federal Government, where he focuses on improving the working conditions of art workers in Belgium. Marc holds a Master's degree in Art History and Archaeology, a Master of Arts (M.A), and has also studied international investigative journalism. After completing his studies, he worked as a researcher and communications officer at the Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique in France. He later transitioned to roles within the Flemish Government, where he concentrated on heritage conservation and policy from 2012 to 2023. Marc is also an active member of ICOMOS, a UNESCO advisory committee dedicated to preserving cultural heritage worldwide. In his role at the Federal Government, he acts as a bridge between the Belgian arts sector and government authorities. He communicates the needs and challenges of the arts community, fostering dialogue and collaboration between the two entities

Nadia Feldkircher

Nadia Feldkircher

Acting Assistant Principal - Research Team Lead - Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media

Nadia Feldkircher is a policy analyst with the Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service, and is based in the Department of Culture. She is the Research Team Lead (Acting) of the Basic Income for the Arts Research Unit. The focus of her work is on research design, monitoring and evaluation, and data analysis. She previously worked as an external researcher for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Office for Asia and the Pacific, and as a data collector for a UK-based environmental NGO. Nadia holds an MSc in Public Policy from United Nations University – MERIT and Maastricht University. She holds a BA in North American Studies (Politics and Sociology) from Freie Universität Berlin. She is fluent in English, German, and her native Italian.

Dirk De Wit

Dirk De Wit

Team innovation & development - Flanders Arts Institute

Dirk De Wit is working on research and innovation in visual arts and transversal themes for Flanders Arts Institute. Flanders Arts Institute was created in 2015 as a merger of the Flemish Theatre Institute, Flanders Music Centre and BAM – Institute of Visual arts. From 2003 to 2014, Dirk De Wit was coordinator of the digital platform and later director of BAM. Dirk De Wit worked before as a free-lance curator for Palais des Beaux-Arts Brussels, Centre Pompidou and Kunstenfestivaldesarts, was curator and later director of arts center STUK in Leuven between 1989 and 1996, has set up a new institition for art and media Constant, Brussels in 1997 and was artistic team member of Brussels2000 – cultural capital of Europe.

Marie-Aurore de Boisdeffre

Marie-Aurore de Boisdeffre

Cheffe du département des politiques professionnelles et sociales des auteurs et des artistes - French Ministry of Culture

After ten years working in contemporary art, Marie-Aurore de Boisdeffre has been Head of the Department of Professional and Social Policies for Artists and Authors at the French Ministry of Culture's General Directorate for Artistic Creation since 2022.

Frederic Young Photographer: Maxime Taillez

Frederic Young


After working as a freelance journalist and playwright (radio drama and theatre), Frédéric Young became delegate general for Belgium of the Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques (SACD) and of the Société civile des auteurs multimédia (Scam) in 1993. He is an expert in the individual and collective management of copyright in the audiovisual, book and performing arts sectors, as well as in cultural policy in the age of digitisation. He is co-founder and/or director of numerous (inter)professional federations in the arts sector, including the Association des scénaristes de l'audiovisuel (ASA) and the Partenariat interprofessionnel du Livre et de l'Edition numérique (Pilen). He has a degree in political science and an agrégation in economics, social sciences and politics. He is currently a lecturer in cultural policy at the Institut national des arts du spectacle (Insas). He has published an educational work entitled les droits des auteurs et des autrices, tout simplement (published by Larcier 2022). He took part in the entire negotiation cycle for the new WITA social security scheme and sits on the Commission du travail des arts, which will henceforth issue certificates giving access to the scheme.