
On 3 October 2024 an additional session dedicated to financial management will be organised and will be open to administrative/financial managers


DAY 3 – Financial session 03 October 2024 (all projects)

The purpose of this meeting is to complement the information provided during the Welcome meeting on 1-2 October 2024 by providing further information on relevant aspects of the Grant Agreement related to financial issues (eligibility of costs, payments and reporting), amendments, suspensions and terminations, including time for questions and answers. 

The target audience is project staff dealing with the overall project management as well as financial and budgetary follow-up.


09:00 – 09:25

Registered participants join the event. Please note that before accessing the “meeting room” you will be first in a “waiting room”.


09:25 – 09:30

Welcome message

Céline Vandreche Teniers – Head of Unit CINEA Operational Finance -


09:30 – 11:30

Model Grant Agreement and Financial issues in detail


Licinia Pereira and Lorenzina Bruno


11:30 – 11:45



11:45 – 12:55

What does the Model Grant Agreement stipulate on amendments, suspensions and terminations?


Nadia Lamhandaz and Licinia Pereira


12:55 – 13:00

Closing remarks, Manuela Osmi, LIFE Units (CINEA)